Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Santa Baby ... I've been good this year!!

Dear Santa

I have been dreaming ...

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Michael Kors Rose Golden Oversized Chronograph Watch

Michael Kors Hamilton Large Tote Slate Embossed Crocodile

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's beginning to taste a lot like Christmas

I am feverishly getting ready for my cookie exchange. I have never hosted one before and I am nervous. I have visions in my head of this elaborate spread and beautiful decorations. Now this is in my bottomless wallet imagination.... doesn't everyone have one of those? The one thing I know I can do is bake so I have scouring the web for recipes.....

My White Christmas
Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest
For the Traditional Christmas
Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest
For the  Kiddos at Christmas
Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest
And Finally for the Comedians out there....
Source: via Kelley on Pinterest

Source: via Kelley on Pinterest
I am off to decorate and bake.... What are you all up to this holiday season???

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Here Comes Santa Clause...

Lets count down the days to Christmas. This is a really cute idea and does not  promote candy to the  children. I found this on Pinterest. To print this Advent Calendar visit Inviting Printables. I love the childlike novelty to add puffs to the beard to get to Santa!! Looking forward to getting ready for we go!!
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five ... six.. and seven... finally

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7.. This week was super busy. We had remembrance day from Canada. check out my tie!!

I realize we are 9 weeks this week so we are doing some catch up in the Shaw household... I will be catching everyone up on my Flickr Photostream. We have been slowing down in our house and enjoying the moments away from the computer vs in front of the computer.
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Oh So Thankful And A House Divided

I am so thankful.... for so many things. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband and kids. I cannot imagine a single day without you. I cherish every moment with you all. I am so blessed to have wonderful friends. We are all healthy and happy here in the  Shaw house.

Lunch with Hope at her school for Thanksgiving.
 I am thankful for this  time off work to spend time with the girls at their activities that are special.
Mr.M and I post race
 I am so thankful for my health. I love that my hubs and I work out together. A nice old lady told us before the race ... A family that plays  together stays  together.
Good Friends post Thanksgiving feast
 I am thankful for our friends. They would  give us  the  shirts  off their  backs and we would do the same for them. I wouldn't trade them for the world.
All the kiddos getting along

House Divided... Me Oh My
See what he has to put  up with

We all stayed up late to watch the game. There were lots of hurt  feelings especially since there are bragging rights for an entire year. In the  long run we are all learning to be good sports.

Happy Holidays  to all of you. Now onto Christmas. I am having a Cookie Exchange so stay tuned for all the  yummy details.

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My new passion that makes me go Hmmmm

Nikon D3100 F/4.0 ISO 1600 SS 1/50 18MM
I took a class at Charleston Photography Center on a Saturday Seminar. It was an intro to Digital Photography. I was nervous and excited at the same  time. It was the  1st time leaving my little  man all day too. He  did great  but I missed him so much. Our instructor  was Kenny McKeithan. When I walked into class I was surprised to see my friend Ginny there! and she brought a girlfriend of hers.
Butcher and Bee
We ate lunch at the cutest little  place downtown. I had never heard of it but it was yummy.

Here is a little bit of Photography that  I learned...
ISO Play -- the more the ISO the more the light that  is let into the lens. My husband will not  be happy that I am using  him as a subject.
Nikon D3100 F/7.10 ISO 100 SS 1/4 sec 42mm
Nikon D3100 F/7.10 ISO 3200 SS 1/100 sec 42mm
Light  Source Play - this is the White Balance. You can make your pictures look cooler to warmer by adjusting the white balance. Also helps to photograph in each light setting.
Nikon D3100 F/7.10 ISO 400 SS 1/13 sec 42mm WB Tungsten
Nikon D3100 F/7.10 ISO 400 SS 1/13 sec 42mm WB Shade
The Shade white balance and cloudy give the best  tone colors to persons in photos.

Photoshop Play

Canon EOS 50D F/3.5 ISO 100 SS 1/640 sec 18mm WB Auto
Canon EOS 50D F/4.5 ISO 200 SS 1/60 sec 35mm WB Auto

Notice the  swirl in our background. This is what I would  love to learn how to do. Slowly but surely I will get  there. Thank you again to Katie  Moore who took our wedding  photos! Here are more from Katie...
Canon EOS 50D F/5.6 ISO 320 SS 1/125 sec 90mm WB Auto
Notice how I am blurry in the background?? That is the lower Aperture F/5.6 that creates this effect.
Canon EOS 50D F/6.3 ISO 100 SS 1/200 sec 120mm WB Auto
Again she created the swirled background using Photoshop Lightroom. I am currently using the Photoshop Elements 10 free download to get my feet wet before I dump a bunch of  $ on a new software program.

Now  that I have  new found love of photography  with knowledge to back it up, I feel worse than before I started. Why can't I just  take  all my pictures in AUTO??? Here is to more practice.
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