Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Years Friends

How will you spend your New Years???

Will you hang with your Girlfriends...

Will you have some Bubbly.... preferably not from the bottle. OR will you have one too many... 

Will you play willy games...

Will you snuggle your loved ones...

However you decide to celebrate this New Year ... Please do so safely. My plans are low key with the family and friends at home again doing all of the above!!
And I will be watching this ....
Giuliana Rancic to spend NYE at Times Square with her husband Bill Rancic
Now, I want to thank everyone for stopping by and reading my not so daily weekly ramblings about my family, friends and things that interest me!! I hope in 2012 I get more readers and I can figure out a way to be a better blogger and still be present in my families life. I am so blessed to have a wonderful support system of family and friends. I look forward to another exciting year with you all.
I hope this new year brings everyone peace, love,happiness and good health. Have a safe time tonight.

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8...9...10...11... and you have seen 12

I know I know I am out of order..... I have personally stayed up to date with my Sterling but I have not posted such details. WHY might you ask?? Well I have gone back to work so taking the weekly photos is much harder. Finding time to bathe the baby is a stretch some days. Don't you worry -- he gets his bath or he wont sleep through the night!!

Well week 12 is done for you here.
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Friday, December 30, 2011

Have you heard the news?? Sterling is 3 months

12 weeks chatting with bear

Come check out my milestones!! I know I have not posted my weekly's lately but I promise to catch up here for weeks 8 thru 12!!

12 weeks old and happy to see you

Sterling in the Shaw Tartan
 What is a Tartan? I had no idea I had to google it. Tartan is a pattern consisting of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colours. SO Sterling got his first Shaw Family Tartan Tie from Grampy after his 7 mos shot with the Remembrance Day Tie.
Photo Credit

Look who is SO BIG

1: Still Swaddled
2: Stretch
3: Smiley Superman
4: Shaw Tartan
5: Put my Feets Together
6: Cool
7: Mom wanted a hat
9:Hello My Friend
10: We are going to be best friends
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Here is to starting new traditions. We wish you a very merry christmas!!
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

The Twelve Days of Christmas WOD was AWESOME!!
1 100M Run
2 K2E
3 Ab Mats
4 Burpees
5 Ring Pull Ups
6 Squats
7 Hollows
8 Rope Climbs
9 Karaoke 100M Run
10 Broad Jumps
11 Push Ups
12 High Knees
Just how the song is sung..... Ouch!

Now off to eat what I want!

Here is a sneak peak of my Christmas Sewing thanks to Me Sew Crazy ... Now mind you this is my 1st baby outfit EVER made from scratch with no pattern.

And Lastly a bear hug.

Hoping everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

WAG Champagne and Cookies

Remember when I posted this about my upcoming Cookie exchange!! Yummy. I will tell you I have been eating cookies for weeks now. I am cookied out - Sorry Santa. My 1st Annual Cookie Exchange was a HUGE success in my opinion. I only wish I had taken more pictures close up. A Big Thank You  goes out to Kim over at Keller Creative who gave me just the inspiration to start my own Tradition here at the Shaw House. Oh yeah I forgot... WAG = wives and girlfriends... everyone was guessing on that one.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Canada radio that makes me laugh

We drove many miles across Canada last week to visit as many Shaw's as we could.... I have to share with you their radio program This Is That. Hilarious.

Now mind you my Canadian husband is constantly joking about stuff that 'Could' be real but far fetched. He is from Canada so I am not always sure. We are driving all over Canada with a screaming Sterling in our back seat because he  HATES the car. I am getting amused listening to these 2 guys Pat Kelly and Peter Oldring on the radio. At times I cannot tell if this is real or a joke.  You have to listen to the AWE segment. My husband was promising me it  was real.  All in all this made our trek much more amusing.

I am working to get the rest of our Canadian trip down on paper!
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bokeh Christmas Photos... take 1

Hello all!! I have  been eying these beauties since the  Christmas Season has been upon us. My mouth has been watering trying to figure out just  how I can make these beauties!! Then I stumble across this little article while on vacation.

What is Bokeh and how do you take these pictures. Well, it should be relatively simple with all the right tools. Christmas lights, and a camera lens with 'fast' aperture (large aperture). As you shoot the  larger end of your aperture you throw the background out of focus (or what we like to say 'fuzzy background'). Thus making  your  Christmas lights out of  focus. The hard part is to try to have  something  in your photo in focus ie a pet, baby, Christmas ornament etc.

So I started to ask questions and this is what  I got...
Joy Rossi Photography
Joy sent me her  pull back with instructions on how to create this lovely image.
Joy Rossi Photography
To create the Bokeh Effect Joy has a paper seamless background then the lights a foot in front then my subject 5 feet in front of the lights, window light on the left reflector on the right. She used a photovision taget to custom white balance and shot at around F1.8- 2 using a 85 1.2 lens.

Now I do not have a fancy studio to take my pictures so we just started playing with the aperture and the  distance between the subject and lights.

And here is my favorite one we got of Sterling and the Christmas lights. Just when we got back from Canada IHeart Faces threw out this lovely challenge. So we entered here.

May all your  Christmas's be bright!!

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IHeartFaces Bokeh Photo Challenge

This photo was entered into the I Heart Faces photo challenge –

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Battle of the Bulge

I realize I just had a baby 12 weeks ago. I do not expect a miracle to look like Jessica Alba. Sorry Jess you are included in this elite group of women we talk about.
I loved being pregnant. I loved staying fit while pregnant. I hated the day I couldn't work out anymore. I sit here today holding my beautiful little boy in my arms and my diet is the furthest thing from my mind. I do not want to feel guilty as I am sitting in my husbands Nanny's kitchen as she offers me Nanaimo Bar she made from scratch and tell no thank you. I would be that rude American. She has been waiting 12 months to meet her great grandson, I am not going to leave anything on the table for my first experiences in Canada.

This is why I am sharing this story. I apologize there are no pictures and the pinky tool is not set up right BUT I am in Canda on my IPAD enjoying some needed family time.
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

My First Interview...ever!!!

So my girlfriend Bailey wanted to do an interview on me before I had the baby. She works for an online media company StepAhead.

Name (duh): Kelley Shaw
Age:  33

How long have you Cross Fitting?:
Full time since January 2011 initially started Spring 2010 while Tina was still at Mt Pleasant Rec

What made you start?:
My husband travels  A LOT for work and my girls are with their Dad on Thurs nights so I got a girlfriend and took up Cross Fit on my night off. I had seen a fitness class advertised for a Boot Camp and it looked fun to try out.

Why did you pick Cross Fit Mt. Pleasant?:
I was impressed with Tina’s enthusiasm and drive for her students. I liked her ‘you can do it’ attitude and does not take excuses. She holds me accountable.

How far along are you with your pregnancy?:
7.5 months – 10 more weeks!!

When is the due date?:
Sept 20, 2011

How far in did you start scaling your WODs?:
I don’t like scaling my WODS. My personal Goal on the board this week – Minimally Scale my WODs this week. I do try to do a least one full round not on a Scale level. I cut back on the weights and AB work probably at 5 months. I just started scaling my runs due to the Heat outside and the extra weight I am carrying.                                                                                                        

What has your OB said about your Cross Fitting?:
She continues to stress that I need to stay hydrated and not over heat. Otherwise, she is supportive.

Any complications with the pregnancy?:
No complications, a little discomfort as I get further along.

What's the hardest movement to do while being pregnant?: 
Hang Snatches or Overhead Squats due to holding so much weight above my head and lifting weights in one movement from the ground to overhead. Also – Box jumps on the medium and large box due to the added weight and unbalance. My Least Favorite is Jumping Rope just because I pee my pants.
How much weight have you put on being pregnant (just to show you're within the normal weight range so people don't think your anorexic haha)
22 lbs so far

Has Tina being pregnant too helped you stay motivated?:
Absolutely. Actually the main reason I came back to the gym was because Amy Bevis was planning to get pregnant and so was Tina. I was in the same boat. I was so impressed at how physically fit Amy had gotten as she continued Cross Fit and I had taken a break to focus on Running. I knew Tina would help me stay on track with my current fitness routines that I was managing on my own. Plus  I would hopefully have a built in network of pregnant woman who can support me with my fitness goals. Tina and all the other members have been great to ensure I am not pushing myself too hard. The hardest part has been having to slow down.

Do you plan on taking a break at all before giving birth?:
Not really. I do get the question when I show up  as the weeks progress into my pregnancy “You are still doing this?” Yes I am. I have just hit a wall in the last week where my body is telling me I am tired. So I am opening up to scaling my WODS more. I plan to focus on my form and not so much speed or weights.

And these little treasures are what we worked so hard for.....

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