The Twelve Days of Christmas WOD was AWESOME!!
1 100M Run
2 K2E
3 Ab Mats
4 Burpees
5 Ring Pull Ups
6 Squats
7 Hollows
8 Rope Climbs
9 Karaoke 100M Run
10 Broad Jumps
11 Push Ups
12 High Knees
Just how the song is sung..... Ouch!
Now off to eat what I want!
Here is a sneak peak of my Christmas Sewing thanks to Me Sew Crazy ... Now mind you this is my 1st baby outfit EVER made from scratch with no pattern.
And Lastly a bear hug.
Hoping everyone has a very Merry Christmas!
Friday Favorites!
5 hours ago
So cute ! Great job !