Sunday, July 31, 2011

Journey week 32

I started this blog to document my pregnancy. I am 10 years older from my 1st pregnancy and 9 years since my last. Back then I was young and carefree. Ha-- well just young. I have  done a horrible job documenting myself in this pregnancy. I have avoided the camera at all costs. Everyone says - you look great. You are all baby. From behind you don't look pregnant until you start walking. Yes I waddle.  I needed to see this to believe this. Especially if I want to go through it one more time in the future to prove to myself it is not as bad as I remember it. We are coming to the end of week 32 (actually 32 weeks 5 days), there will be 7 more pictures of these possibly less.
MrM. wanted a front photo sans the shirt so here we go.

Look at that white belly. I had hopes the belly would see some sun this summer... not so much.  
On a  much lighter note. I went to Trader Joe's yesterday. It was CROWDED!! I was amazed there was not any parking even on the end of day 2. I do not think I am ready for the whole blogger professional persona - why do you ask? I was so nervous and felt weird taking pictures with all these people around. Do you know how many Charleston Blogs I have seen with these similar photos? Quite a few, so why did I feel out of place? Must be something for me to get more comfy with one day.

Hope everyone has a great week. Next posts will be baby shower related.

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Saturday, July 30, 2011

BoomBoomShaw Nursery Treat

Mobile for BoomBoomShaw

This is what it will look like while BoomBoomShaw is on the changing table. (I had to lay down on the floor to get this shot.) Thank you Jessica for the inspiration. I love it.

I have attached the crib skirt – sorry no pictures yet. Here is the comforter. I think it turned out really well for my first ever blanket.

Onto Trader Joe’s and get a crib mattress today. Super Busy with nursery stuff!!

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Calling all Mount Pleasant Housewives

Guess what opens today???

Trader Joes
See you all there Tomorrow when all the craziness has slowed and I am NOT working. Two Buck Chuck here I come!!! Amongst other things.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

30 Day Mom Challenge -- Taken

Thank  You In Between Laundry for this Inspirational Challenge.  Yes we are all on the homestretch to Back To School. Only a few more weeks and some of us moms (uh hmmm) are at our wits end with our children counting these days. I on the other hand am not 100% that mom. I share my girls with their father over the summer. This is a week I do not have them and I miss them like crazy. So when I saw this post it made me sit back and reflect on the time we do spend together.

To add to my heavy heart, last week at church we are going through a series called the Rise and Fall of David. The message last week was "How to Avoid Ruining My Kids". Great!! I am doomed. Of course it was not meant to make us all feel bad as parents but to some degree we all did leave thinking we could do better.
v  Teach them to do as I say AND as I do
v  This is going to hurt me more than  it’s going to hurt you: I’m gonna do it anyway
o   Start EARLY
v If at first I BLOW IT, I’ve got to try and try again
I just hope and pray that I am being the best mom that I can be. I may not be perfect but in my heart of hearts I mean well and love my girls (and BoomBoomShaw) so much!

Go to iMom to print out your own copy.

So I leave  you with this little Diddy....

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Oh Paris

Ode to Paris

I think I am getting excited or inspired one or both. We will be planning our Honeymoon to Paris in 2012. Hopefully the 1st part of the year. Mr.M. is so well traveled compared to myself. I feel like I can only envision my wardrobe in Paris since I only know like 5 places to visit while we are there. The reason I know this is because he and I were watching some travel show and he said I need to be able to name these places or we cannot go. Challenge Accepted and Won!!! So as far as I know - we will be  going to 5 places...

Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Sacre Coeur, Notre Dame,and the Arc de Triomphe

Happy Dreaming!!

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I am getting my hair done tomorrow and need BLONDE.... badly. Wait until you all see the baby shower pictures. Scary. First, my hair is growing so fast I cannot afford to keep up. Second, I am trying to space out my last coloring before the baby so I look good when BoomBoomShaw is born. How can he/she be born and not know what I plan to look like all the time VS when I am just pregnant and lazy.

OK .... onto the picture of the Hockey player. I was looking around on Pinterest for blond hair and this is what came up. So I pinned it:
Guy Lafleur - Le Démon Blond**** I searched blond and my husbands favorite hockey player came up. How appropriate.
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Tutorial - how to make Lettuce or Ruffle Edge

Do you all remember my post about scarves??? Well I did it!! Finally sat down and made my scarf. I am going to share my short road to the finished product. I just finished at the gym so we won't have any pics of me wearing the scarf....yet.

Remember this Scarf?

First I had to learn how to make a ruffled edge on fabric. Thanks to this tutorial I think I got the hand of it.

 Above is the Fabric cut to 11" wide x 64" long
 Here we are pulling from both ends of the fabric to create a stretch with a zig zag stitch to make a Ruffle Edge
 Still there with the Scarf Draping
 All wrapped up after we closed the loop to make the scarf
Just imagine my head in the middle of the scarf... Seriously, I will take one of me tomorrow to post as a complete outfit. I am so pleased with the outcome. Only 1 wish -- the fabric was a little more heavier weight.

Drum Roll Please ... Sorry these pictures are no where near professional. I was running late to work and using a Camera Phone!!
Love how this one looks like it is framing the baby

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Fashion Files for Wednesday

Fashion Files for Wednesday
Fashion Files for Wednesday by kbshaw77 featuring kate spade

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Blue Dress Sew Along July 25-29

Dress Along

Fabric Choices -- Carolina Chambray Black and I Heart Linen Blend Oval Geo Blue
Day 1 started yesterday and YES I was slack and did not cut  out my fabrics. Likely due to the fact I didn't want to measure myself to find out the widest part..... still hoping it is my stomach. Wink wink.
To determine your dimension, take YOUR WIDTH and add four inches. That number = YOUR FABRIC MEASUREMENT. This is all by 33" in length -- that part I have covered. I think I am just afraid I do not have enough fabric with only 1 yard purchased (and ONLINE too) so I cannot run out to the store. I am stuck in a mental dilemma as to try and make it work over my belly OR just make it for POST baby. I am going to bite the bullet and measure tonight. I hope I am OK - otherwise we will just call this the Motivation Dress.

The Other Projects…

I am trying to start and finish outside of the nursery!! The below is the fabric and tutorial for dresses I am making the girls for our August Maternity / Family photo shoot out on Folly Beach with Katie Moore. She did a fantastic job at our wedding and she is a lovely person that I want her to help document our next step in being a family.
Girls Dress
 Fabrics: Cotton Blend Broadcloth Navy and Remix Zig Zag Pink Aqua brown

Let’s not forget Back To School

Fabrics: England Swings Stripes Blue White and England Swings Stripes Red White

Have a great day... Here is to motivation to finish err... start projects.

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MN1008 Ruched Maternity skirt Pattern Giveaway

I have found this great little site called DIY Maternity. I love it since clothes are so expensive and this is an outlet for me to be a little creative and still use materials I already have on hand. I am not one of those people who feel the pregnant body is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen but I am empowering mine in my 3rd pregnancy. I am not wearing those frumpy size of a house outfits that hide your shape and growing belly. This skirt looks FANTASTIC and I want to make one. I have 8 weeks to go so there is still time for me to do it. I am entering this Giveaway and so can you!!There are lots of ways to enter. just head over to DIY Maternity and give it a try.
Good Luck!!

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Single Serve Dinners

Lauren’s Latest has some great Foodie’s. I was perusing through Pinterest tonight and look what I found????
072511 lasagna cup
Don’t these just look DELISH…. and if you want to make your own go see Lauren’s Latest for the recipe.
Looks easy enough that these ingredients will make little cups of Goody Goodness.
From This:
072511 lasagna cups Ingredients1
To This:
072511 lasagna cup melt in your mouth
I cannot wait to try and make these. They look like the  perfect dinner to take on our Girls Weekend coming up in August.

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